Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Goal

As summer is drawing to its last lap of its pleasure-filled race, I would like to comment simply what the Lord has been doing showing to me and what has been happening. I'll begin just what has been happening this week.

On Monday, I got my wisdom teeth pulled out, which was quite painful process despite the numbing and dissolvable stitches. I was require to eat only soft things, such as congie, boiled eggs, dried pork, and TV Dinners. Nevertheless, I thank God for how he healed and is continuing to heal my swollen mouth. When you break a bone, or in my situation, lose the ability to chew with your ferocious molers, isn't there a result of great inefficiency? The same is related to the Body of Christ. As we see in 1 Corinthians 12, the body of believers is the body of Christ, called to be "the fullness of him(Jesus) who fills everything in every way"(Eph. 1:23). We are to be instruments of righteousness, used by the Master to be Good Samaritans and servants of hospitality and love that fight for justice and freedom. Recently, I discovered the truth regarding slavery in our world, and the horrible degree of it. They say that there are more slaves in the world then in any point of history( for more information). As servants of Jesus, we are called to "love our neighbors as ourselves". Let us strive to meet this, through prayer and action. Let us be committed to have regard for the weak, for in return there will be blessings(Psalm 41:1). Tonight, a rainy yet pleasant night, at JoyWok, Pastor Banji(I believe that is how you spell it) came and shared about how in his high school years, he was captivated and awed at Jesus, of his magnificent mercy and glorious grace. We can follow his example, to strive to fix our eyes on Him, that ultimately, our lives will truly reflect God's glory as we desperately reach out to a lost and dying world.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What happens from here on?

As summer draws to a close and the new school year is creeping upon us, there are thousands of young people all over the nation wondering to themselves, "Well, this summer has been great, but how can I keep the fire going once I start going back to school?"

This question comes up for me nearly every year around the same time and I felt as if I could share some insight. Fortunately enough, our youth website has been able to post up the most recent messages!

Some people might wonder why we should bother listening to audio clips (especially when its over 30 minutes long) rather than read. The answer is this: The universe, assuming you believe in the creation of the world through God, was spoken into existence. Not read, formulated, or materialized through supersonic combustion, but orated by the words of God himself. There are power in words and there is something about having an audible voice declaring words rather than listening to your mind speak it over yourself. Don't get me wrong--I'm not trying to toot my own horn. I'm rather stating that there is a different way, not a better way, to have a blog message posted.

Keep it going - Dan Chou (08-09-2009)

Quick points:
1. Don't have the appearance without the substance
- Imitation of traditions and rituals without understanding leaves to dryness
- Also leads to constant comparison/envy

2. Shed the old wineskin, receive the new one
- Conferences, retreats, and other summer activities are great, but only temporary
- Having a "quick fix" to patch up your problems will only make matters worse!

3. Fresh impartation can only go into fresh containers.
- Spoiled containers (think dirty milk carton) will only spoil the contents
- Similarly, if all you gain is more fresh understanding/revelation, but never change, it simply spoils and becomes useless, while poisoning others!

4. Ways to obtain the new wineskin
- Galations 2:20! Crucify your flesh. Pick up your cross.
- What does that mean? Deny yourself and that fleshly desire.

Last notes:
- Message was drawn out of Mark 2
- Raging waters is a water amusement park that our youth went to the following week, incase you wondering about the preface.
- I am still learning my flaws and weaknesses, but I hope you can overlook them; and to not become offended by how it was said, but instead to look at what's been said.
- For future resources and messages, click here.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Monday Tuesday and Wednesday

8/17/09 Monday

Last Monday, I was able to hang out with my sister the whole day. We went to see the doctor for a checkup and afterward went to Costco to buy a gargantuan sized pack of premium protein powder, which when mixed with your favorite liquid becomes a nutritious creamy vanilla thick shake; however, sometimes the powder does not fully dissolve. Nevertheless, I deeply enjoyed the time I was able to spend with my family at home. We later then had dinner, which consisted of a soft wrap burrito stuffed with spiced ground meat mixed with mozzarella cheese and fresh-tasting oregano. That was what it tasted like in my mouth. Soft mouth-watering golden mangoes which were extremely delighting came next! I am so thankful to God for the family he has given me and I give him all the praise for all that He has done. After pondering on this topic, I came to these conclusions. A family most of the times consist of a mom, dad, and two children. In particularly in a home scenario, unity is very important, and it is the same with the Body of Christ(1 Cor. 12:25). In Ephesians 4 it talks about to keeping the unity of the Spirit. Why not commence the tranquil environment God calls us to maintain filled with joyful and caring relationships at home?

8/18/09 Tuesday

The towering hospital stood there, on Madison Avenue at 100th Street, where we sent my sister to Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. My mom drove about 1 hour and 15 minutes to arrive at the swarming metropolis, where we stopped and entered the magnificent university and treatment center. Doctors were blatantly recognized due to their white coats and scholarly sophisticated walking. There was a uncountable number of them on the streets that if you were a giant looking from a bird's eye view, the place would appear to be a strange anthill because the bugs were no longer black and brown, but brightly white, but MD degrees. After examining the Grey's Anatomy environment there, we headed to Flushing to eat lunch and to get my hair cut. Returning to the apartment, I had the chance to read Proverbs 13:13-14: "He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded. The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death." Here, it emphasizes the importance of being quick to listen which allows us obey commands and instruction, in particularly from the wise. The teaching of the wise will definitely benefit me, leading us towards the One who is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Yet, I feel listening to even your parents' most intricate directions is vital and rewarding. When an individual gets their mom the hot tea with no sugar but a touch of cinnamon just as she asked, his consideration shines in comparison to a person getting their mom a cold cup of tea when his mom wanted one that was warm. Overall, the lesson is to set our hearts first on obeying God's Word, all of it, whether we like it or not, from honoring our parents(Exodus 20) to being quick to listen(James 1).

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Returning Back to America

The Boeing 747 stood there magnificently, like a mighty warrior preparing for battle. The Eva plane had stripes of forest green, gargantuan wings, and many circular windows. The plane began to taxi, gently and slowly, similar to an elder young woman named Auntie Rose driving a 1967 rusty Chevy truck. However, this truck suddenly turned into a 2010 300 horsepower Corvette, racing down the track, and then lifting from the ground with extraordinary force. After 14 hours and 10 minutes, my plane arrived in Newark airport.

I(Richard)left Taiwan on August 12, at 6:30 PM and arrived in America on August 12, at 9:45 PM. That day that I left Taiwan, I treasured every moment that I had with my dad. I woke up that partly cloudy morning practicing Chinese characters. There was much persistence and diligence needed to accomplish the characters I desired to copy, and afterward my dad and I took my luggage and headed to an all you can eat sea food buffet, which may sound absurd, especially since we were carrying two luggages which both feel like there is a car in each of them. We put the bags on the side of the restaurant, and began enjoying our last feast before I headed to Taiwan. I soon left the admirable nation Taiwan and went back home, where I continued on my academic studies. On Friday night, I attended a Summer Festival, which was hosted by JoyWok! There, people from the Herald Gospel Camp mission gave testimonies, regarding how the Lord moved there. I was deeply touched to see how God's grace was sufficient for them, that despite the team's weaknesses and uncomfortable environment, some rebellious kids, during the alter call, a majority of the kids came up to respond. God was truly with them, in a remarkable way.

Chinese is an amazing language, and I'm trying to finish a year's course in the summer, so I can jump to Chinese 3. I spent today, Saturday, mostly doing homework and exercising. Yet, right now I want to exercise my faith. As God's people, we are called to love, and have compassion on people(Luke 9). There was a catastrophic typhoon that hit Taiwan, and I urge myself along with others that we should pray for the victims. May God fill them in this troubling hour with light, hope, truth, and comfort.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Day Before I Leave Taiwan

The Bible says in Proverbs that when pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Since wisdom comes from the Lord, and the Lord calls us to be "give thanks in all circumstances", I will overflow with what I am so honored to have. I am in particulary very grateful for having the opportunity to spend around 6 weeks in Taiwan. The nation has a fantasticly clean and innovative subway station and a great Body of Christian believers. Today, after I did some SAT work, my dad and I ate at the church with the pastor, his family, and some of their friends. The pastor's wife told us that she, her son, and some other members of the church are going to southern Taiwan to help with the typhoon disaster. They say that the damage there is similar to the damage done by hurricane Katrina. Knowing that the group going to southern Taiwan, a place of grief, chaos, and disaster, will face dangerous situations, we came together to pray for the team going along for one another. Overall, I am very appreciative for all that God has provided and I hope that I would continue to grow in his humility and love.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Doing What is Right

The previous post I mentioned about Tracy and Elsa, my Taiwan co-workers whom I worked with during SEC. I learned a lot from their lives through serving the Lord with them. Tracy, a spectacular singer and musician, set an example for me to further develop my gifts and talents for the glory of God. During our talent show for our group 3, she played the piano for the background music, which added a great amount of suspence and anticipation. She sang "The Lord's Prayer" for our skit, and helped with worship by singing. Her enthusiasm, honesty, and love for God and people has challenged me to become more like Christ in the ways of his meekness and compassion. Elsa's love and humility also set an example in my life. She would often lead prayers before meals and explain the directions of the games with oflowering joy and energy. Her kindness and servant heart was noticed by me, and surely by others as well. During lunch and dinner, Tracy and Elsa would get drinks for everyone in our group, definetly deomnstrating a 1 Tim. 4:12 attitude, which calls young people to set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. God states in his Word in Proverbs that doing what is right and just is more acceptable than sacrifice. Let us learn from his Word and from the lives of men of woman of God to obey and follow our Lord Jesus Christ.

Regarding to what I did today, my dad and I went to National Taiwan University Hospital to pick up his medicine. Afterwards we ate lunch and returned home where I worked on SAT. did some excercise, read my bible, and some other things. It is late now, but I hope to post more later. God bless!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our Reward

If you had the opportunity to sit down with President Obama over a cup of coffee for one hour and simply have a conversation with him, would tell the President of the United States that you are too busy and do not have time for him? Never! With immense delight and anticipation, you would make that appointment with him a priority in your schedule. Likewise, in your Christian life, you should make your time with the Lord Almighty a priority, "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. By the word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth...For He spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm"(Psalm 33:4-6;9). While praying today, God really impressed on my heart truly how magnificent, glorious, sovereign, and awesome He is, in particularly His words and commands. Through reading the Bible, we have the opportunity to receive councel from the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning in the End. Let us not be like the exiles of Israel who forsook the Lord by intermarrying with the nations around them, which God commanded them not to do(Ezra 9:11-12); but let us be a holy people of God, consecrated for the Lord's purposes and earneslty seeking Him. Through setting aside time everyday to pray and diligently seek God's Word, we can step by step grow closer in living a life fully pleasing Him. After all, He is our God, our King, our Savior, our Reward.

Stepping aside to what I did today, I began my day going to church in the morning with special guests Tracy, Elsa, Eric, Eric, and Ann, co-workers and students from SEC(Summer English Camp). They took the MRT subway to meet up with me. The service was very powerful, which included a testimony, and a message on Luke 15 regarding the prodigal son and how we should come to our senses and offer our lives to God, our Abba Father. Afterwards, my dad and I took Tracy, Eric, Eric, Elsa, and Ann back to the subway station, where they returned home. I went to play some guitar at the church, and then came back home, to work on SAT math. I did my daily excercise routine, had some oysters for dinner along with litchi, and now here I am writing this blog. I have to conclude this post now for I have to go to sleep soon. God bless and take care! =)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

8/8/09 Father's Day in Taiwan

Waking up today, after doing devotions, my dad took me to go eat shao bing you tiao( bread ), soy milk, and xiao long tan bao. On the xiao long tan bao, we put thin strips of ginger on top of it which provided a fresh original whole taste, delightful to my tastebuds and healthy for my body. Afterwards, we returned home and I worked on SAT math. On one Math section, the longer one, which consists of 20 questions and provides only 25 minutes to complete, I received a full score, finishing all the questions and getting none of them wrong. I was extremely delighted when I finished grading it, because it was the first time I got a perfect score on one section of the SAT. As I did more math problems, and figured out where I made my mistakes, I gradually began to improve and the material commenced to appear easier to me. The phrase "Practice makes perfection" does have truth in it. My heart overflows with thanksgiving for my dad's love in teaching me math and the time that I am able to spend with him: "O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever"(Psalm 30:12). During the evening, we went to the Youth Fellowship at our local church. The pastor preached about the wonder of the Word of God, regarding all its completed prophecies and astounishing unity. Continuing with the topic of God's Word, one essential truth the Bible teaches us to "Delight yourself in the LORD"(Psalm 37:4). Jeremy Taylor said "God threatens terrible things if we will not be happy." After reading Desiring God, written by John Piper, I discovered this key kiblical concept of pursuing joy in God. I will try to write omre about this later. Overall, that is an overview of my day. God bless!

Friday, August 7, 2009


With a great mass of rain and winds of tremendous speed, the typhoon hit Taiwan today with great strength and might. Motorcycles were flipped over, trees were pulled, and light poles fell, at the feet of the fearsome storm. As a result, I stayed home today, doing SAT math. I was quite busy today, despite not having the opportunity to leave home. I was occupied with doing my 130 pushups, 240 situps,my daily reading of the Bible, writing down a Proverb a day, watching Taiwan televion, eating mouth-watering litchi, almost as sweet as honey, with its smooth tangibility, chowing down popoyya( i think that is how you spell it), ba la(fruit), fish, shrimp, beans, and red bean soup with smooth milk, which is rich in calcium and nutrition. Regarding nutrition for my soul, I read Psalm 29 today, which describes God's glory and power. John Piper's book "Desire God" speaks that God's purpose throughout human kind is to glorify and magnify Himself, for He truly is the essence of truth and security. I was reminded today of His strength, for "The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temply all cry, "Glory!"(Psalm 29:9). Therefore, my heart's respond to God garganteous splendor is "Glory!".

Thursday, August 6, 2009

蘇澳 Trip ( Shu Owh ) [ East-coast Taiwan]

I think that east coast New Jersey is pretty pretty, with the Big Apple and home to countless of world renown sports teams, it is an enjoyable place to visit. However, what do you think eastcoast Taiwan is like? Today, I went to Shu Owh, eastcoast Taiwan, to sight see. The train ride was more than 2 hours each way; therefore, I spent about 5 hours on a train today. Nevertheless, the trip was very meaningful because of the time I was able to spend with my dad and the majestic views we saw such as the Pacific Ocean. The ocean was grumpy today, like an old frightening man who lives in a house on a high mountain who did not eat his breakfast. You know what that means. Uproar and anger. Likewise, the ocean was rough due to to the coming hurricane. The hurricane is considered a middle level strenghted typhoon, with a 250km diameter, a length that is able to cover the entire Taiwan. As I right this blog, it is raining and forecasters predict that the edge of the hurricane will approximately touch land by midnight. This hurricane and the intensity of it is similar to Paul's intensity and fervor for Israel to be saved: "BROTHERS, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Isrealites is that they may be saved"(Romans 10:1). Moving to the subject of the Word of God, one interesting observation from the book of Romans is to see that Paul was even audacious enough to say the he could[important word] wish that he was cut off from Christ for the sake of the Israelites. As we are amazed at Paul's love for the Israelites, I believe that we too should cultivate a similar heart for them, one like Jesus'. Therefore, my challenge is that for a week, you can pray that God may bring salvation to Israel.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Just Do It"

The hare was sprinting confidently during the race, so assured that he was going to win that he decided to take a break, underestimating the tortus' ability and determination to finish the race. After 15 minutes, the hare wake up, not knowing that it was too late, the tortus just finished the 2 kilometer race. In order to complete a race, one needs determination, fitness, and passion. Today, I felt like today was a race. I previously wanted to jam with my friend Luke, and hopefully lead a couple of English songs at his church(I'm still in Taiwan). Nevertheless, my dad objected, and told me to focus on my studies. I was very unwilling; however, I submitted and spent the day checking my SAT practice test that I completed yesterday and working on math problems. My dad said that is key to concentrate and study diligently in order to become a successful student. I still have a lot to learn regarding this dogma, yet I felt today I took a step towards applying it to my life. It took much will effort and perseverance; however, I hope that through hard work God will be glorified through my studies and that (maybe I'll attend Princeton).

"Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians)

Monday, August 3, 2009

What has been happening in Taiwan...

6/1/09 Saturday

Waking up, I did mathematics. Then I ate lunch, which was pretty good. Afterwads, I took a practice SAT reasoning test for the first time ( It was pretty challenging and straining). Nevertheless, it felt good to be occupied with work and to know that I was being challenged in my intelligence.

8/2/09 Soul Warming Fuzzy Sunday

There is a Proverb speaking that what every man desires is unfailing love, and I personally believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, called to be the vessels of God which overflow with cheerful red blood cells of love. I am so thankiful of the church nearby, called The Way( I should take a picture of it and then post it sometime). The Lord has answered my prayer for my dad to have a Spirit-filled biblical church to attend. The hospitality and love of the church overwhelms me to declare with joy the personal grace that God has provided: "I wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar, O Lord, proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds"(Psalm 26:6-7)

The church is about a 5 minute walking distance from where I live. Walking there at 10:00AM on a bright Sunday morning was a delightful experience, for the sky was as blue as a sky blue Crayola crayon. Entering, you soon experience a warm atmosphere of acceptance and kindness. The Pastor, a congenial funny man, Pastor John, opens the service with a Scripture reading, and then leads worship. The worship band consists of a piano, drums, violin, and guitar. It is very upbeat and powerful, where the congregation is deeply engaged in praising God. After the service, my dad and I attended a Father's fellowship. We ate small snack at a French restuarant, and there had a time of reflection. I deeply enjoyed the company of the brothers and sisters there, along with the time I was able to spend with my dad.


Went to Wen Hua Univerisity, to do math and SAT. Afterwads, ordered glasses. Yep.