Sunday, April 6, 2008


3/28/08 – Spring Outreach

Coming into church, I felt dry yet I still wanted to be joyful because I am a victor in the love of Jesus Christ. Today, God really showed me so much about His love for me and I believe I found my identity not in this world, but in my Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Coming into prayer meeting, I was encouraged to really believe in God’s word. When I really believe that God’s word is the Absolute Truth, and do take it into my heart and apply it in my life, God will change me drastically. I need help in doing that. In addition, the Lord showed me that I have to have a vision. A vision is a goal in which I looked toward. The Bible tells us the two greatest commandments. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then, love your neighbor as yourself. I want to obey this and fulfill this in my life.

God spoke so powerfully through the worship, led by Jensen ( really Holy Spirit =) He showed me how I have to give it all up to Him and really worship Him with all my heart. We sang The Time has Come. It shows how the time truly has come for us to take a step of faith and live our lives for Him in worship. The next song was In the Mystery. It showed how God died for sinners gain.

Then the Lord spoke through Pat. God showed me that my identity is in Him.

God then spoke to me through Dan. A lot of times we’re confused and we feel like we don’t know what’s going on. However, Moses felt the same way. He was confused; yet God brought Him through. We have NO excuse to surrender to the Lord, because the train will leave without us. Surrender. Seek. Apply.