Thursday, February 26, 2009

Testimony of the goodness of God

Over the years in my life, I now marvel God’s work in my life. He has changed me in such a deep and amazing way, bringing me to a fresh understanding of having an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and growing through God’s Word. By his great love and mercy, the Lord has saved me, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast”(Ephesians 2:8-9). To be honest, it has been difficult in my journey as a Christian, but one thing I understand, that God is constant, being true to His word.
Growing up as a child, I loved playing video games. They were my heart’s desire. From fifth grade, I began playing, where hours would be wasted over purposeless actions. Video games became my safe haven, where I would look for comfort and entertainment. I would be completely mindless and at times neglect my own duties in school and at home for them. Trapped also in pornography at a young age, I was living the life as one “separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world”(Ephesians 2:12). In sixth grade, I earnestly desired to fit in. There were many cool crowds, and I felt that if I was in that group of people, my identity would be established, with good friends I am capable of relying on. Nevertheless, many times however, I was hurt by my friends. No matter how much I tried to fit in, I still did not feel satisfied with hope and purpose. Church was not something important to me; neither was God. However, during these years from 4th-6th grade, the Lord has been planting many seeds to prepare the time where I would turn my life over to my Savior.
That day in my life where I became saved was the turning point of my life. A pastor had been preaching there for quite a while, and stirring hunger for God in my soul as well as others. I felt the Holy Spirit convict me of my sinful lifestyle, and I knew that if I did not change, I would most likely go to hell. I knew I had said the prayer to invite Jesus into my heart as a child; nevertheless, I did not truly believe for I did not bring my life into complete submission to God. However, that day I did. I asked Him to come into my life, by my Lord and Savior, and to reign over me. From that day, I began to live my life for Jesus.
One thing I am most grateful for is the follow-up after. The youth director, as well as many other godly men and women turned to disciple and train me on how to live a life pleasing to God. That summer, Wendy, my youth director, told me to consider going to Brooklyn for missions. I prayed about it, and I felt the Lord confirmed that I should go. Before going, many of us would pray and seek God’s face. I learned to receive God’s healing, seek His face, and grow deeper with Him. Sharing my faith was not something I was an expert on, however, applying it changed my life.
Many struggles continued to arise after the missions; nonetheless, God was faithful, for He is always faithful, and brought me through. One thing I learned is to have a godly mentor to teach and guide you in knowing God more. In the Summer of 2009, I went to Asia to do missions and attend a conference. I was amazed and the Lord deeply challenged me in my character, passion, and how I do ministry. The Lord has molded me, broke me, and stretched me to teach, pray, and have compassion for those that are especially lost and weak.
Once a lost sinner, by His grace, I am now a child of God. Day by day by His mercy, I am able to walk in His ways, and I give Him all the glory.

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