Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Goal

As summer is drawing to its last lap of its pleasure-filled race, I would like to comment simply what the Lord has been doing showing to me and what has been happening. I'll begin just what has been happening this week.

On Monday, I got my wisdom teeth pulled out, which was quite painful process despite the numbing and dissolvable stitches. I was require to eat only soft things, such as congie, boiled eggs, dried pork, and TV Dinners. Nevertheless, I thank God for how he healed and is continuing to heal my swollen mouth. When you break a bone, or in my situation, lose the ability to chew with your ferocious molers, isn't there a result of great inefficiency? The same is related to the Body of Christ. As we see in 1 Corinthians 12, the body of believers is the body of Christ, called to be "the fullness of him(Jesus) who fills everything in every way"(Eph. 1:23). We are to be instruments of righteousness, used by the Master to be Good Samaritans and servants of hospitality and love that fight for justice and freedom. Recently, I discovered the truth regarding slavery in our world, and the horrible degree of it. They say that there are more slaves in the world then in any point of history( for more information). As servants of Jesus, we are called to "love our neighbors as ourselves". Let us strive to meet this, through prayer and action. Let us be committed to have regard for the weak, for in return there will be blessings(Psalm 41:1). Tonight, a rainy yet pleasant night, at JoyWok, Pastor Banji(I believe that is how you spell it) came and shared about how in his high school years, he was captivated and awed at Jesus, of his magnificent mercy and glorious grace. We can follow his example, to strive to fix our eyes on Him, that ultimately, our lives will truly reflect God's glory as we desperately reach out to a lost and dying world.

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